
Friday, 15 November 2013

Upcycle old Pajamas into Christmas Stockings - DIY

Christmas will soon be here, I cannot wait, I just love celebrating the time with my family. It's the perfect time to wrap up in extra layers, snuggling up with a Massive mug of hot chocolate, watching Festive films.
Whist looking through my drawer for any clothes I could donate to charity I came across my old reindeer PJ bottoms, I don't even know why they were folded up and put away as they had a massive hole in them. (A classic sign of over eating during such a Joyful time, I seem to forget the counting of calories and scoff as much as I can, 'Because it's christmas' )

I really like the pattern on them, and just hate throwing things away, So I decided to turn them into stockings for my partner and my little boy.
I literally goggled Christmas stocking template then printed out the best one I could find and got to work.

At first I was going to put a white band around the top, but decided against it, I also kept the elastic, but decided tho throw it away as I was just hoarding and realistically never going to use it.
I also used a safety pin to turn the material inside out to make the tube for hanging up the stocking.
I did rush them, but I'm happy with how they turned out. The money I saved on buying new ones has paid for some extra stocking fillers.
DIY and save some money this Christmas by up cycling.
Do you prepare early for Christmas, or get all of your gifts at the last minute?

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